5 minutes with Raaja Nemani

It’s time to learn a little more about one of our Milestone Makers, Raaja Nemani, CEO and Co-founder of Bucketfeet, a company that collaborates with artists from around the world to create a uniqe product.

Favorite Chicago icon? This is probably as cheesy as it gets, but Lake Michigan. It’s basically an ocean in a landlocked city, and it makes Chicago special.

The meal that best describes you? Anything with jalapeños. Ask my wife, I literally put them on almost everything. My go to is the Jalapeño Breakfast Bowl at Meli Cafe on Grand and Wells.

An Asian American that exemplifies great style? Waris Ahluwalia. He’s pretty  famous for a number of endeavors (including Wes Anderson movies), but I think recently most people realized who he was because of the famous Gap Love Ad that Gap honorably defended against more close-minded people.

What does your community mean to you and your work? My community is everything. BucketFeet’s mission is to connect people through art. We are in the business of introducing new people and places to the world through products.

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