एशियन अमेरिकनस एडवांसिंग जस्टिस | शिकागो सामूहिक सलाह से अपना सामर्थ्य बढ़ता हे और नस्लीय समानता का आयोजन करता हे.

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Poll Watching Findings: Suburban Cook County and Chicago

During March 19th’s presidential primary election, poll watchers from Asian Americans Advancing Justice | Chicago (Advancing Justice | Chicago) visited 223 polling places across Cook County to monitor compliance with language and disability access requirements. In total, 36 poll watchers surveyed 106 Chicago precincts and 117 suburban Cook County precincts. 

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NOW HIRING! Campaigns Director

The Campaigns Director will co-lead the Organizing Team and co-create strategy for issue campaigns with the Organizing Director. In addition, the Campaigns Director will serve as the primary lobbyist for both organizations, represent Advancing Justice | Chicago and AAMP in coalition spaces, lead political education and lobbying trainings for grassroots leaders and coalition partners, and create external communications and talking points for priority issue campaigns.

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NOW HIRING! Communications Manager

The Communications Manager will play an essential role in building organizational visibility and establishing a shared communications strategy to win policies that move forward the organizational priorities of immigrant rights, criminal justice/police accountability, education equity, voting rights, and language justice.

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From Our Leaders

"We understand that language barriers affect our community’s ability to access the services that we need. We believe that our language ability should not be viewed as a flaw but a strength."

— Zubeda, I Speak Power leader