Advancing Justice in 2021: A Pre-Inauguration Conversation

After a historic election and its chaotic aftermath, Inauguration Day is almost here. Join Asian Americans Advancing Justice | Chicago for a conversation moderated by Executive Director of Advancing Justice | Chicago Andy Kang with panelists Grace Pai, Executive Director of Asian American Midwest Progressives and Director of Organizing of Advancing Justice | Chicago, about the Georgia Senate runoffs and leading Asians for Ossoff and Warnock door-knocking campaign, and Odette Yousef, WBEZ Reporter on Race, Class and Communities and host of season three of «Motive», which centers on white supremacy and the rise of the youth movement in America, for a discussion about our current state of our democracy and what’s next for our country.


Grace Pai, Executive Director of Asian American Midwest Progressives & Director of Organizing of Asian Americans Advancing Justice | Chicago

Grace Pai led Georgia’s Asians for Ossoff and Warnock door-knocking campaign with Asian American Advocacy Fund PAC for the recent Senate runoff election.

Odette Yousef, WBEZ Reporter, Race, Class and Communities

Odette Yousef is host of season three of «Motive,» which centers on white supremacy and the rise of the youth movement in America. «Motive» was recently named one of the Top Ten Best Podcasts of 2020 by Podcast Review.