Category: Press Release

Poll Watching Findings: Suburban Cook County and Chicago

During March 19th’s presidential primary election, poll watchers from Asian Americans Advancing Justice | Chicago (Advancing Justice | Chicago) visited 223 polling places across Cook County to monitor compliance with language and disability access requirements. In total, 36 poll watchers surveyed 106 Chicago precincts and 117 suburban Cook County precincts. 

Erase The Gang Database Coalition Celebrates First Major Public Safety Victory Under Johnson Administration

Below is a statement from the Erase the Gang Database Coalition: “After a years-long campaign, the Erase the Gang Database coalition celebrates yesterday’s vote by Chicago’s Community Commission on Public Safety and Accountability to erase the city’s racist and ineffective gang database. This moment was years in the making after Chicagoans across the city made… Read more »

Chicago Racial Justice Organizations Strongly Support Mayor Johnson’s Appointments to Board of Education

For Immediate Release: July 10, 2023 Contact: Ankur Singh | Grace Pai | Chicago Racial Justice Organizations Strongly Support Mayor Johnson’s Appointments to Board of Education CHICAGO — We, the undersigned organizations, strongly support and congratulate Mayor Brandon Johnson’s recently announced appointees to the Chicago Board of Education: Mariela Estrada, Mary Fahey Hughes,… Read more »