Category: News

Sign-On Request: Oppose Ray Kelly’s Nomination as DHS Secretary

Dear friends and colleagues, I’m reaching out to you and your organization to urge you to sign onto a letter opposing New York Police Department (NYPD) Commissioner Ray Kelly’s potential nomination as Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).   As Police Commissioner of a city with one of the largest immigrant and people-of-color… Read more »

Advancing Justice | Chicago Concerned by Verdict in Zimmerman Trial

Asian Americans Advancing Justice | Chicago releases a verdict on the trial of George Zimmerman, who stalked, shot, and killed Trayvon Martin, an unarmed 17-year old African American teen. On Saturday, July 13, 2013, a jury acquitted George Zimmerman of any wrongdoing.

Indian Bar Association Panel on Immigration Reform

Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Chicago legal director Andy Kang participated in panel about Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR) and what’s at stake this summer for the Asian American community. The remarks included the urgent need for all Asian Americans to voice their opinions on CIR to their U.S. Senators and Congressional representatives. In particular, he noted the… Read more »

CIR Strategic Session

Advancing Justice-Chicago Manager of Civic Engagement & Campaigns Reema Ahmad attended the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights CIR strategy session with legislators today. Community leaders met to celebrate wins this past legislative cycle on: temporary driver’s licenses, immigrant services budget, parent mentors, and Hepatitis B education and outreach. The work is not over… Read more »