Category: News

Asian American Community Organizations Conduct Research on Voter Behavior

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 9, 2012 Asian American Community Organizations Conduct Research on Voter Behavior Chicago, IL – The recent election was an important one for the local Asian American community because of the prominent role of Asian American candidates, new language resources for Asian American voters with limited English proficiency, and increased grassroots efforts… Read more »

AAI Election Day Poll Monitoring Report

POLL MONITORS, VOTER HOTLINE IN 8+ STATES FIND LANGUAGE ASSISTANCE FOR ASIAN AMERICAN VOTERS, BUT ALSO MISSING BILINGUAL POLL WORKERS, LACK OF KNOWLEDGE ABOUT LANGUAGE ACCESS LAWS Chicago- The Asian American Institute (AAI), a member of the Asian American Center for Advancing Justice dispatched 32 poll monitors to cover a total of 85 precincts across Cook… Read more »

AAI Congratulates Tammy Duckworth on Her Historic Victory

AAI Congratulates Tammy Duckworth on Her Historic Victory Illinois Elects Its First Asian American Congressperson The Asian American Institute (AAI), member of the Asian American Center for Advancing Justice, congratulates Tammy Duckworth on her win in the 8th congressional district. Duckworth is the first Asian American congressperson elected from Illinois, and is one of 21 Asian American congressional… Read more »

Prestige du Monde response

As you may be aware, the website Prestige du Monde has posted an article online that falsely alleges that the Asian American Institute is under investigation for several cases of alleged employment discrimination.

A Community of Contrasts – Midwest Demographic Report

“A COMMUNITY OF CONTRASTS” REPORT DOCUMENTS GROWTH, POLITICAL POWER, ECONOMIC ISSUES OF ASIAN AMERICANS IN THE MIDWEST” CHICAGO—The Asian American Center for Advancing Justice (“Advancing Justice”) released today— A Community of Contrasts: Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders in the Midwest, 2012—one of the most comprehensive reports on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific… Read more »